The 10 Best Spotify Stats Websites

The best Spotify stats websites allow users to view Spotify data about their listening habits, share top tracks and songs with friends, and dig into a range of detailed statistics.
This guide explores a variety of Spotify websites and their features, from viewing the popularity of your playlists by genre, track, or artist, to uncovering just how obscure the music you listen to really is.
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The Best Spotify Stats Websites
We’ve dug into a wide selection of Spotify stats websites, analyzing how they can improve your experience with Spotify and why their core features make them the best on the market.
Here’s our list of the 10 best Spotify stats websites:
1. Stats for Spotify
Stats for Spotify is one of the more basic websites that analyzes your Spotify stats and provides an overview of the tracks, artists, and genres in your account.
It allows you to create your charts based on the music you listen to, breaking down your favorite songs and switching between three different periods.
You can compare Spotify data over time, seeing how your rankings change as you continue to use the app via easy to view arrows.
This data can be organized for the previous four weeks, six months, and all time, which gives a nice overview of how your taste in artists and genres evolves as you use Spotify’s app.
Spotify features some of the most popular music genres, which can be incorporated into your bespoke playlists to help you sort your music more effectively.
Stats for Spotify can also help you identify your music taste by analyzing your top tracks and artists and showing your most played songs.
2. Obscurify
Obscurify offers users some of the features you’ll find in other Spotify stats websites while also giving you great insights into how obscure your tastes are compared to other users.
While most people listen to popular music genres such as rock and dance, some music fans like to delve into more niche genres.
Obscurify gives users a window into the odder side of music taste, giving an Obscurity rating which lets you know how your library of tracks, artists, and genres compare to others in the country you select.
The main website displays your top genres along with the top five obscure artists in your playlists, analyzing how mainstream – or not – your music taste is.
When you log into Obscurify, the website displays your top 10 genres, along with the music obscurity rating, all displayed in an easy-to-read graph.
It also makes recommendations based on your favorite tracks and artists, so if you want to know what new music you’re missing out on, Obscurify is a great resource to bookmark.
3. Judge My Spotify
Judge My Spotify brings a light-hearted touch to the world of Spotify web apps, poking fun at your taste in music by analyzing your top tracks, favorite artists, and the top songs in your playlists.
Previously known as “How Bad Is Your Spotify,” it’s an amusing website that uses AI to judge your taste in music based on your listening habits.
Bad taste is subjective, so whether you’re someone who hates singers that use autotune or have another particular bugbear about what makes bad songs, you might dispute the results given.
Judge My Spotify puts together its data based on your top artists, songs, and your favorite genres featured in your frequently played music, displaying the results in satirical form.
If you’re concerned about sharing your Spotify data, Judge My Spotify doesn’t save any of your statistics, which gives users who want to maintain online privacy some peace of mind.
The web app also doesn’t use any real artificial intelligence, pulling the results from what it describes as a “faux pretentious music-loving AI.”
4. Receiptify
Receiptify is a simple but fun top tracks generator that selects songs based on a specified period.
The charm of Receiptify is in its name; this generator takes your top songs from the last month, six months, or of all time and displays them in a classic receipt format.
The traditional receipt switches up the information, so the quantity represents the top tracks’ rank, the item displays the artist and song title, and the amount lists the song’s running time.
There’s not a great deal more to what Receiptify has to offer, but if you want to see your top songs laid out in the form of a grocery store receipt, it’s a fun gimmick worth playing with.
Users can also share their receipt online, taking it from the Receiptify website and posting it on their social media channels so that friends can see your latest listening habits.
Best of all, Receiptify is completely free, so you can have a little fun without having to sell any stocks in Spotify you might have in your investment portfolio.
5. MusicTaste.Space
MusicTaste.Space web app is a powerful Spotify stats tool that allows users to compare and share their listening habits with friends.
Simply log onto their website to analyze your account’s songs and artists, and their algorithm will let you know how compatible your tastes are with friends and family.
MusicTaste.Space draws upon a good selection of factors to deliver its analysis, including the acoustic factors, energy, danceability, and happiness of your favorite artists and songs, comparing them to the U.S. national average.
To see how it matches up with a friend’s favorite songs, simply send them a link from the site’s homepage, and it’ll display all the overlap between your top artists and top songs.
It’s a great tool to help you collaborate with friends, putting together a playlist of the best party songs for the next time you have a get-together.
It’s also one of the more in-depth websites to analyze Spotify data, examining your listening habits so that you can sort your music based on a track’s BPM and intensity.
You can also access the songs you and a friend have in common, based on the similarity percentage, and discover new music from the platforms playlists.
6. Discover Quickly
Discover Quickly is one of the more practical Spotify stats sites geared towards users of the app who want to bring a great selection of new songs to the platform.
The website allows you to easily arrange your playlists, top artists, and top songs, filtering them through a range of handy criteria such as danceability and popularity.
There’s also the option to view Spotify’s exclusive genres, including acid house and deep metalcore, while clicking on any listed genre will produce a list of related music, helping you craft playlists such as the best happy songs and the best summer songs of all time.
Perhaps the best feature on Discover Quickly is the ability to hover over an album cover and trigger the best part of the song to start playing.
It’s a great way to browse for new music without having to wade through track after track until you decide if it’s suited to your tastes.
If you click on a particular genre, the website will put together a tailored playlist of tracks in the genre, making it a valuable tool for music fans looking to branch out into new and exciting artists and albums.
Since Spotify is one of the best free music hosting sites available, Discover Quickly helps users dig into their more obscure content with ease.
7. Zodiac Affinity
Zodiac Affinity is a Spotify web data app that is somewhat limited in its functionality but still fun.
Astrology fans will be in heaven with this website since it matches up to five songs that line up with the user’s zodiac sign.
All you have to do is connect your Spotify account to their website, select your star sign from the drop-down menu, and the site does the rest, giving you five matching songs to enjoy.
There is some evidence that a person’s star sign influences their taste in music, with the various types of star signs affecting music taste in their own unique way.
Earth signs are apparently more likely to enjoy jazz and classical, while those who fall under an air sign are more in tune with electronic-based dance music.
You can find out exactly how true this is by trying Zodiac Affinity for yourself and seeing if the five songs it suggests align with your music taste.
8. Run BPM
Run BPM positions itself as the most advanced playlist creation tool available for runners, using the beats per minute of tracks in your playlist to help keep your energy levels high.
Once you’ve logged onto the Run BPM site with your Spotify premium account, the system will filter through your library of music by tempo, matching the songs played to your pace.
It’s a great way to boost your overall fitness and have some fun while doing it, with some studies demonstrating a beneficial effect of music tempo on exercise performance.
To get Run BPM up and running (pardon the pun), you begin by importing one or more playlists, either from your own personal playlists or elsewhere.
Next, a selection of sliders allows you to tweak the BPM, energy, danceability, and other metrics, tailoring the results to suit your running pace.
Run BPM is ideal for Spotify users who like to listen to music on the go, and with good security measures in place, you can be sure your data will remain safe.
9. Sort Your Music
Sort Your Music offers Spotify users a data analysis tool that does exactly what you’d expect from its name: sort your music.
While Spotify allows you to arrange your playlists based on basic information such as track title, duration and data added, Sort Your Music adds a whole new level of finesse to playlist categorization.
You can sort your music by the following additional values: BPM, energy, danceability, loudness, valence, length, acoustic, and pop.
Using SortYourMusic is simple: just log in with your Spotify credentials and choose the playlist you want to sort, using the column headings to select the value you desire.
The system is built around the Echo Nest song attributes system, an API designed for Spotify that operates as a developers’ music intelligence and data platform.
In addition to the features mentioned above, SortYourMusic has plans to expand its service to include duplicate track removal and manual reordering, addition, and deletion.
Spotify is already one of the best music apps without WiFi, and the features available through Sort Your Music make their platform even more versatile.
10. Skiley
Skiley is perhaps the most comprehensive web app you can use to connect with your Spotify account to unlock a decent selection of new tools and features.
While some of the stats websites featured on this list have limited functionality, Skiley ups its game by introducing several excellent features which allow users to really dig into their songs and playlists.
You can order any playlist based on the album title, song name, artist name, or BPM, and there’s an option to shuffle as well.
There are also options to split the playlist or filtration of songs based on genre, with Skiley consolidating the information on your playlists and ordering them based on a range of factors.
It’s even possible to download data on a selected playlist, with the option to export to CSV, TXT, CFG, JSON, or XML.
You can also use Skiley to manage your playlists by mood, and it even helps you discover the lyrics to any songs you’re currently enjoying.
If you’re already using Spotify through one of the best Discord music bots, consider adding Skiley to the mix if you want to tweak the music you listen to even more.
There are some great web resources for Spotify users who want to dive into their stats and improve their listening experience.
We’ve covered ten of the best Spotify stats websites, from humorous web apps that “print” your top tracks as receipts to in-depth tools to identify your tastes and offer suggestions for new music to listen to.
As Spotify continues to update its app, more stats-based websites are likely to emerge, so be sure to check back as we’ll update this list with the latest information.